Saturday, July 25, 2020

Whats the missing piece to career fulfillment - Hallie Crawford

Whats the missing piece to career fulfillment I wanted to share with you a story about my career coaching client, Richard. He is an engineer and received a wonderful performance review earlier this year. He also has gotten informal feedback from his boss and peers on a more consistent basis than ever. This wouldn’t be possible if he hadn’t put effort into building his confidence. If you want to see change in any area of your life, you have to take the initiative and do what is best for you. This is especially true if you are seeking career fulfillment. If you are unhappy in your career, it’s important to really put yourself out there and tell people what you want. I credit Richard for all of his hard work. He has truly built up his confidence and has become more assertive throughout his career coaching process. He also has learned the importance of managing up (or managing his boss) more effectively. Nice work Richard! If you found this inspiring or helpful to you, please share your story with us in the comment section below. Also, if you are interested in finding career fulfillment, please contact us  today for a complimentary consultation. Hallie Crawford Job Coaching P.S. Is your dissatisfaction a passing phase or a sign it’s time to move on?  Find out if for sure you’re in the right career with our Ideal Career Quiz.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The worst dressed people in your office tend to have this name

The most exceedingly terrible dressed individuals in your office will in general have this name The most noticeably awful dressed individuals in your office will in general have this name Do you have a colleague whose style you attempt to imitate? All things considered, there is most likely a decent possibility their name is Sarah. As indicated by a study of 2,000 Americans about style in the work environment from Trunk Club the top names for the best-dressed female colleagues will in general be Sarah, Mary, and Ashley. For men, it is typically John, Tom, and Tim.As for the most noticeably awful dressed collaborators for ladies they will in general be a Karen, Jill or Sue and for men, it is normally Mike, Bob or Steve. Poor Steve.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders' magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Twinning at workThe concentrate likewise took a gander at ventures where individuals are the well on the way to twin with a collaborator. You may review twinning at work turning into a Twitter marvel. The review found that the businesses where twinning is destined to happen are Broadcast, Legal and Real Estate.When you work with similar individuals consistently it is unquestionably simple to get roused by their style, particularly on the off chance that they dress well. The study found that 30% were affected by another associate's style and 40% will become friends with a collaborator who has a comparable style to them.The new corporate uniformThis isn't astounding thinking about that such a significant number of enterprises will in general create regalia. Money Street Journal columnist Jacob Gallagher as of late expounded on the inescapability of the downy flash up vest as the new go-to for corporate men. It is utilitarian for freezing workplaces throughout the late spring and afterward is occasionally suitable for fall and a simple layer in the winter. Gallagher expressed, It covers the perspiring backs of anxious understudies requesting supersize espressos' well used by silver-haired administrators in the lift, making a beeline for their corner suites. It shows up in heap shades of dim and blue, on men of every kind imaginable who win a wide range of pay rates. It has become as universal as the take-out serving of mixed greens in uninteresting working environments, and is gradually superseding the formal attire as fundamental office wear.It likewise isn't awful to dress like somebody higher up in your organization. An ongoing report from Men's Journal found that 68% of supervisors give additional focuses to individuals under them with comparable fashion tasted. The standard's generally set by the chief, said study representative Ed Watson, at that point the remainder of the working environment follows.And in case you're asking why you don't have an excessive number of companions at work it could be on the grounds that you dress messy as 20% will by and large stay away from a collaborator with messy style. The most noticeably awful dressed individuals in your office will in general have this name Do you have a colleague whose style you attempt to imitate? All things considered, there is likely a decent possibility their name is Sarah. As indicated by a review of 2,000 Americans about design in the working environment from Trunk Club the top names for the best-dressed female associates will in general be Sarah, Mary, and Ashley. For men, it is normally John, Tom, and Tim. Concerning the most noticeably terrible dressed collaborators for ladies they will in general be a Karen, Jill or Sue and for men, it is normally Mike, Bob or Steve. Poor Steve.Twinning at workThe concentrate likewise took a gander at enterprises where individuals are the well on the way to twin with a collaborator. You may review twinning at work turning into a Twitter wonder. The review found that the businesses where twinning is destined to happen are Broadcast, Legal and Real Estate. When you work with similar individuals consistently it is certainly simple to get propelled by their style, particularly on the off chance that they dress well. The study found that 30% were impacted by another colleague's style and 40% will get to know an associate who has a comparative style to them.The new corporate uniformThis isn't astounding thinking about that such a large number of businesses will in general create garbs. Money Street Journal correspondent Jacob Gallagher as of late expounded on the inescapability of the downy flash up vest as the new go-to for corporate men. It is utilitarian for freezing workplaces throughout the late spring and afterward is occasionally suitable for fall and a simple layer in the winter. Gallagher stated, It covers the perspiring backs of anxious understudies requesting supersize espressos' well used by silver-haired officials in the lift, making a beeline for their corner suites. It shows up in bunch shades of dim and blue, on men of every kind who gain a wide range of pay rates. It has become as omnipresent as the take-out plate of mixed greens in lowly working environments, and is gradually replacing the formal attire as basic office wear.It additionally isn't awful to dress like somebody higher up in your organization. An ongoing report from Men's Journal found that 68% of directors give additional focuses to individuals under them with comparable fashion tasted. The standard's typically set by the chief, said study representativ e Ed Watson, at that point the remainder of the working environment follows.And in case you're asking why you don't have an excessive number of companions at work it could be on the grounds that you dress messy as 20% will by and large maintain a strategic distance from a colleague with messy style.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How a clean office can boost productivity [Infographic]

How a spotless office can help profitability [Infographic] Investigate your office whenever you're in there and watch its degree of neatness. Is sans it of litter and kept in an exceptionally clean condition or are there folded paper and disposed of espresso cups tossed over everybody's work areas? The tidiness of a workplace can offer a solid sign as to resolve, inspiration and even efficiency inside an association. Normally, individuals will far incline toward telling the truth office than one that is messy and maybe even unsanitary, which straight away makes the previous gathering more roused than the last mentioned. This prompts better and more work being done and improves the probability of targets being met, if not surpassed. In this way, keeping the working environment clean is to everybody's greatest advantage. Numerous workplaces will have assigned cleaning staff accused of keeping the work environment in perfect condition, in spite of the fact that everybody in the workplace can have their impact in keeping up a spotless workplace. Keeping your work area clean is your obligation, not anybody else's. A cleaner ought not need to routinely invest energy tidying garbage up your work station. Try not to turn into that individual in the workplace whose workspace seems as though it's simply been stripped by the FBI looking for a urgent bit of proof. Cleaning Services Group ( made this infographic which clarifies how keeping your office reliably clean can positively affect hierarchical execution. It's not advanced science; light, steady protection of a spotless workspace will cause you to feel better about yourself and your work. From Visually.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

New Year, New You - Copeland Coaching

New Year, New You No matter what your personal religious, political, or social views are, it seems fair to say, we can all agree on one thing. 2016 has been a tough year for everyone. Friends and families were pulled apart by different political leanings. Workers went through difficult corporate layoffs and restructurings. Violence and death were reported on daily in the news. It’s been rough â€" very rough. In fact, after rounds of Facebook frustrations, many people are opting to take a break from social media just to regroup. Others are refocusing on eating healthy, and taking care of themselves. They’re using the holidays to prepare for a better, more positive 2017. This is one of those times I feel extra thankful for fresh starts. And, what a better way to begin again than to start with a few New Year’s resolutions. Rather than focus on things outside of your control, it’s time to reflect on what is inside of your sphere of influence. As you can guess, I recommend your career be placed at the very top of your list. It’s one thing that has a very direct, very immediate impact on your daily life. It can impact your financial wellbeing, your personal stress, and the general fulfillment you feel. Take inventory on what’s working in your career, and what you’d like to change. Do you want to land a promotion? Would you like to make more money, work in a different industry, or living in a different city? Are you looking for a workplace with a better work-life balance? Would you prefer to use your strengths in a different way? There’s no right answer when it comes to deciding what’s important in your career, and in your life. The most important thing is to be in touch with what’s important to you. From there, you can set goals. But, don’t fool yourself. Career transformation is a process. It rarely happens overnight, and it’s certainly not easy. First, prioritize your goals by selecting which are the most important. Then, break down the goals you have identified into steps. Perhaps one goal is to update your LinkedIn profile. One step might be to take a new photo. Another might be to add your latest job title, and accomplishments. Breaking your goals down into bite size pieces make them more attainable. Attaching those goals to dates will help to hold you accountable. But, whatever path you choose to pursue, start strong. Companies really do begin hiring again in January, so don’t put off the change you want to make. Put failure out of your mind. Acknowledge that the effort is the most important part of the entire process. And, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Moving up in your career is a rarely an effort achieved alone. It takes a great company, managers, mentors, friends, confidants, coaches, and family members. I’m certain that with a little effort, and a little teamwork, together, we can work to make 2017 a brighter all the way around. Angela Copeland is CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching and can be reached at or on Twitter at @CopelandCoach. New Year, New You My latest Memphis Daily News column is out, New Year, New You. Happy New Year! With the holiday season coming to a close, 2016 is upon us. It’s such an exciting time, full of hopes and dreams for the future. One of the first things we often do is create resolutions for the upcoming year. Whether they are related to our health, personal life, or career, these goals help to guide our choices based upon our current priorities. And, it’s the perfect time. Each year, our priorities evolve based upon where we are in our lives. There are some years when making money and getting a promotion can rise to the top of our list. Other years, we are searching for meaning and balance. Whatever your priorities are this New Year, one thing’s for sure. A big change requires a big transformation. However, the idea of such a large shift can be overwhelming and cause us not to act. It can feel paralyzing.   I recently heard from a reader who has been unemployed for an extended period of time. Despite setbacks, the person has continued to get up each day and look for new opportunities. I admire this kind of strength and endurance. Finding your path is not something that comes overnight. It’s not a switch that can be flipped. Creating a new you requires courage and persistence. It requires continuing to try, even if you aren’t always sure about how things will turn out. To find out how to make your career resolutions stick in the new year, read the rest of my Memphis Daily News column here.