Saturday, July 25, 2020

Whats the missing piece to career fulfillment - Hallie Crawford

Whats the missing piece to career fulfillment I wanted to share with you a story about my career coaching client, Richard. He is an engineer and received a wonderful performance review earlier this year. He also has gotten informal feedback from his boss and peers on a more consistent basis than ever. This wouldn’t be possible if he hadn’t put effort into building his confidence. If you want to see change in any area of your life, you have to take the initiative and do what is best for you. This is especially true if you are seeking career fulfillment. If you are unhappy in your career, it’s important to really put yourself out there and tell people what you want. I credit Richard for all of his hard work. He has truly built up his confidence and has become more assertive throughout his career coaching process. He also has learned the importance of managing up (or managing his boss) more effectively. Nice work Richard! If you found this inspiring or helpful to you, please share your story with us in the comment section below. Also, if you are interested in finding career fulfillment, please contact us  today for a complimentary consultation. Hallie Crawford Job Coaching P.S. Is your dissatisfaction a passing phase or a sign it’s time to move on?  Find out if for sure you’re in the right career with our Ideal Career Quiz.

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